24/7 services provided all day, every day across WNY.  The NFTA has partnered with Child & Family Services to provide a free, confidential employee assistance program (EAP) to all of our employees (and your household members) when personal issues are affecting your lifestyle or job.  Consultation, counseling and referral services are provided for general personal and/or family concerns. 

Your EAP also provides free and confidential consultation and referral assistance for the following work-life concerns:

Financial Consultation
Nutrition Consultation
Legal Consultation
Childcare Consultation
Eldercare Consultation
Tobacco Cessation
….and much more.

Visit the website link below and/or see the attached flyers for more information.


Please contact Child & Family Services for employee assistance at:

Buffalo/Erie County:  (716) 681-4300
Outside of Erie County:  (800) 888-4162

Online at:  EAP.cfsbny.org