While Halloween ushers in the holiday season, many Americans have been left to wonder what the best way is to celebrate while being safe. For families, the CDC recommends low-risk activities, like gathering with household members to decorate your home, having virtual costume contests with friends, or visiting apple orchards or pumpkin patches where people can social-distance outdoors.

For those still wanting to trick-or-treat or pass out candy this Halloween, the CDC advises that houses put together individual goodie bags that would allow families to grab and go while continuing to social distance. If you’re planning to prepare goodie bags, don't forget to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after.

Halloween in the U.S. might look a bit different this year, but there are plenty of ways to enjoy the ghoulish holiday safely. So, kick back, queue up your favorite scary movie and get creative with celebrating the spookiest night of the year.