Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. Today, Earth Day engages more than one billion people annually and has become a major stepping stone along the pathway of engagement around the protection of the planet. 

In recognition of Earth Day, we are highlighting some of the NFTA's sustainability and green initiatives below:

Metro Light Rail - Our rail system is a sustainable transportation option, featuring electric powered rail cars. The more frequently people choose to ride with us over driving their personal vehicles, the lower our community’s overall pollution levels will be. 

Solar Panels -  New solar panels have recently made a powerful impact at NFTA work sites. They have been installed at the updated Merchants Rail Station and the BNIA terminal, providing an amazing source of clean energy. 

Electric Buses - Metro has begun adding 10 new battery-electric buses to its fleet. These buses will assist in the reduction of the agency’s carbon footprint. 

Living Wall - The BNIA expansion is incorporating nature into its innovative design by featuring a living plant wall. 

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Plans for the living wall at BNIA