We are excited to recognize National Transit Employee/Driver Appreciation Day on Thursday, March 18.

In celebration, we are sharing some recent commendations provided to our Customer Care Department. 

See below: 

  • Caller stated that this driver waited for an older lady to cross the street and then let her on the bus. Caller thought that was very kind of the driver.
  • Customer says that his son is blind and was having some problems and the driver was a great help.  He let him use his phone and helped him to the right stop while on his break and stood and waited with him until his bus came.
  • Customer stated he (the driver) made it easy for me to get on his bus. He was also patient with me because my glasses were fogged upon entering the bus and allowed me to pay my fare in a timely manner. He also got me to my stop in a timely manner.
  • Caller said they had a great operator and would like to request a commendation. When I entered his bus, he was very pleasant and a nice operator. He made good conversation, and it was a pleasure to be on his bus.
  • Customer said the operator is a very good driver and is always very nice and friendly
  • Customer states that the driver pulled over and waited for her and her two babies try to get to the stop and said she was very nice and polite to everyone who got on the bus. She would like to say thank you.
  • Caller stated that this bus driver was a gentleman, sweet, lovely person. Caller was very grateful for this driver's kindness.

Metro encourages riders and residents to thank our bus and rail operators for helping to keep the community moving.  If you have a great story to tell, please email us at Elements@nfta.com or call 716-855-7211.