Green Your Commute Day is Friday, May 17.  This day is dedicated to promoting and celebrating more sustainable modes of transportation.  There are a lot of great ways to participate as follows:

  • Register: Register your green commute with us to have your participation and emissions reductions count! It just takes a minute: GYCD Survey.
  • Commute: Simply walk, bike, take public transit, car pool, drive an electric vehicle, or use another form of sustainable transportation (not driving alone in a gasoline-powered vehicle) to work.
  • Post: While on your commute, and in a safe manner, take a selfie and post it to social media using #GYCD19 to let everyone know about your awesome green commute!

Green Your Commute Day is a great opportunity for all of us to lead by example by using more sustainable forms of transportation and support the use of Metro's public transit system. 

Members of NFTA helping employees register for GYCD