5/14/2019 4:06:00 PM
Green Your Commute Day is Friday, May 17. This day is dedicated to promoting and celebrating more sustainable modes of transportation. There are a lot of great ways to participate as follows:
- Register: Register your green commute with us to have your participation and emissions reductions count! It just takes a minute: GYCD Survey.
- Commute: Simply walk, bike, take public transit, car pool, drive an electric vehicle, or use another form of sustainable transportation (not driving alone in a gasoline-powered vehicle) to work.
- Post: While on your commute, and in a safe manner, take a selfie and post it to social media using #GYCD19 to let everyone know about your awesome green commute!
Green Your Commute Day is a great opportunity for all of us to lead by example by using more sustainable forms of transportation and support the use of Metro's public transit system.