It has been one year since a horrendous act of hatred shattered our community. While time has passed, the sadness and shock remain with us, and the hurt and anger we feel for the families and friends of those viciously taken from us lingers. This tragic and senseless hate crime that targeted people simply because of the color of their skin still does not seem real.

There has been significant reflection and serious thought concerning racism over the past year, as well as an outpouring of love and support from around the world. During our collective time of sorrow, there is a heightened pledge for all of us to do our part. As the Executive Director, I stand with our community to emphatically state that there is zero tolerance for racism here at the NFTA. We will continue to do everything possible to enrich our community of good neighbors and support each other. We need to ensure our love and goodness are louder than hatred and chaos in our world.

I want to thank our many associates who provided tremendous support and assistance during this tragic event and afterwards. Together, we will continue to find ways to come together with love and support.


Kim Minkel