6/14/2023 2:00:00 PM
The NYS Deferred Compensation Plan offers a special Economic Update Webinar this month. Nationwide Senior Economic Director Benjamin Ayers will conduct the meeting.
In addition, there is a couple of extra webinars. The NYSDCP Countdown to Retirement Webinar will be conducted on Juneteenth for those with a holiday. NYSDCP is a 457b retirement plan, and can help State and local public employees achieve their retirement savings goals and help bridge any potential financial gap in retirement. SUNY & school district employees may contribute to a 457b in place of or in addition to a 403b plan. Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
NYSDCP Countdown to Retirement Webinar
Monday, June 19 @ 9 AM – Join us for a conversation on Retirement. This free educational webinar discusses some important considerations for those planning for or contemplating retirement. The presentation will discuss longevity, income sources, asset consolidation, and withdrawals/required minimum distributions. Microsoft Teams
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 253 821 800 549
Passcode: zCzySz
Or call in (audio only)
+1 917-983-6123,,693863892# United States, New York City
Phone Conference ID: 693 863 892#
NYSDCP Enrollment Webinar
Wednesday, June 28 @ 12 PM – Join us for a conversation to explain the benefits of enrolling and participating in the NYS Deferred Compensation 457b Retirement Plan and how it can help you better prepare for and live in retirement. The presentation will go over the basics of investing, investment options, pre-tax contributions, and an overview of the easy and secure online enrollment process. Microsoft Teams Meeting.
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 271 668 110 31
Passcode: eKx9Rw
Or call in (audio only)
+1 917-983-6123,,758176113# United States, New York City
Phone Conference ID: 758 176 113#
NYSDCP Economic Update Webinar
Thursday, June 29 @ 12pm - Join us for an update on the state of the economy for the second half of 2023, including the outlook for the Fed, inflation, and the upcoming prospects of the current year. All are welcome to participate.
Registration Required: HERE