Stress, anxiety and depression are becoming more and more prevalent. As a result, patients and physicians alike are looking for new ways to combat these mental health conditions. But as we continue to delve into modern techniques, it has been noted that the ancient practice of yoga continues to present many of the same health benefits.

Yoga can help. The poses are designed to put the body into stressful, sometimes uncomfortable physical positions. By pushing through this discomfort, practitioners are essentially creating their own exposure therapy, forcing their bodies to learn their limits and stay mindful of their body.  On top of the physical activity, which can activate portions of the brain affected by depression, the mindfulness techniques inherent in yoga can help patients regain their sense of hopefulness and personal accomplishment.

While yoga may not be a replacement for mental health therapies, it definitely has its place. Individuals can reconnect with their bodies, understand their feelings and begin to focus more on the moment. And when practiced in a group setting, yoga can also reduce the sense of isolation that can be a key component of anxiety and depression.
Information provided by BCBS.   Have an idea for Wellness Wednesday, email us at