3/11/2021 12:00:00 PM
Every day our Metro operators are on the road serving our riding community while managing the continuing challenges of the pandemic. Recently, one of our Metro customers contacted us about a driver who made her day. The driver's name is Laurey, and he works out of Frontier Station.
The customer indicated that she was leaving Tops with heavier bags than usual. She took the #20 Elmwood rather than walk through the Target parking lot to Delaware. Laurey noticed her struggle and stopped the bus in a well-shoveled area and kneeled it to make it easier for her to board. He also asked her where she would be getting off the bus, so he could let her exit through the front door. The customer was humbled by the kindness and consideration he showed her.
The customer said, "Please know that the driver of (this) bus... was gracious, patient, and considerate. Please tell him thank you. He obviously is not one who believes that 'no one takes the bus.' Public transit-dependent people have to hear all the time that we are nobodies. Thank goodness for the drivers (like this) who know we are humans who just need public transportation."
She also indicated that later on in the route Laurey noticed a potential passenger running down the street. Laurey beeped and pointed to where he would stop so the individual could board. The gentleman also expressed his overwhelming gratitude upon boarding.
We love to tell these great stories! Thank you Laurey for your professionalism, commitment to serving our riders, and a job well done.