Ten quick ways to reduce stress. 

  1. Breathe - Taking slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure.
  2. Take a quick walk - When you're feeling overwhelmed or having trouble concentrating, go for a quick walk around the block. You'll get the benefits of alone time, physical activity, and a few minutes to gather your thoughts.
  3. Stretch - Standing up for a quick stretch can relieve muscle tension and help you relax on a stressful day.
  4. Sip green tea - Green tea is a source of L-Theanine, a chemical that helps relieve anger.
  5. Laugh - Laughter is one of the sillier ways to beat stress, but there's science behind it. A fit of hysterics can increase blood flow and boost immunity.
  6. Write it down - Putting your emotions on paper can make them seem less intimidating.
  7. Chew gum - A stick of gum is a surprisingly quick and easy way to beat stress. No matter the flavor, just a few minutes of chewing can reduce anxiety and lower cortisol levels.
  8. Cuddle with a pet - Pets can boost self-esteem and even ease the sting of social rejection.
  9. Eat some chocolate - Just a square of chocolate can calm your nerves, dark chocolate regulates levels of  the stress hormone cortisol and stabilizes metabolism.
  10. Meditate - Five minutes of peace is all it takes to reap the benefits of meditation 

This is part of our Wellness Wednesday Feature.