If you're looking for some fun pool games to keep both your body and mind active, you've come to the right place. Take a look below: 

Sharks and Minnows

Pick one player be the “shark.” The rest of the players will be “minnows.”

The “shark” goes to the middle of the pool, while the minnows gather on one end of the pool. When the shark yells, “GO,” the minnows have to swim to the other end of the pool – without getting tagged by the shark.

If a “minnow” player is tagged, the minnow has to leave the group and become a shark. As you play, the group of sharks will grow and the group of minnows will shrink. The last minnow to survive without getting tagged wins the game.

Scavenger Dive

Divide players into two teams. Throw your items into the pool (make sure there are two of each item).

When you say, “Go,” players dive underwater to collect one of the items from the bottom of the pool. Each team has to collect one of each scavenger hunt item from the bottom of the pool.

The first team to collect all of the items wins.

Noodle Joust

Pick two players, put them on a pool floatie or raft, and push them to the middle of the pool.

Give each player a pool noodle and let the joust begin! Players joust with the noodles until one player is knocked off of the floatie. The remaining player is the winner.

Belly Flop Contest

Each player takes a dive into the pool, showing off their biggest, loudest, most awkward belly flop. The diver who gets the most applause (or laughter) for their belly flop wins!

All ideas are from 24 Best Swimming Pool Games. 

If you have an idea for a Wellness Wednesday post, send it to elements@nfta.com