10/26/2022 10:00:00 AM
By October 26th, we’re in a frenzy of pumpkin obsession. We cannot wait for the big November holiday for pumpkin pie. so much so that we "need" pumpkin everything --bars, cookies, coffee, cheesecake, pasta, and oatmeal. Pumpkin chunkin’, pumpkin patches, festivals, bake-offs, and television specials. Let’s not forget jack-o-lantern carving, too! This fruit grabs Americans’ attention.
As it should! This squash is native to North America. The oldest evidence of pumpkin-related seeds dates back to somewhere between 7000 and 5500 BC to seeds found in Mexico. But, the word pumpkin originates from the word pepon, which means “large melon” in Greek.
Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, pumpkin is incredibly healthy. What's more, its low-calorie content makes it a weight-loss-friendly food. Its nutrients and antioxidants may boost your immune system, protect your eyesight, lower your risk of certain cancers and promote heart and skin health.