Sue's late dog, DeeDee

NFTA's Sue Fadel is walking in the Paws in the Park on the date September 24th to benefit the SPCA. This year she is walking in memory of her sweet DeeDee and for Emma, Ruby, Sophie, and every dog that has ever had to live even just one day in a horrible puppy mill. She supports the SPCA and participates in this walk annually in hope that one day, puppy mills will be extinct. 

Sue said, "For the 11th consecutive year, I will be participating in the SPCA's Paws in the Park.  The first year we walked with our two beautiful puppy mill rescues, Ruby & Emma, from the SPCA and rescued by Furever Friends.  We also included our two 5-month old shepherd mix rescue puppies, Beau & Dee Dee.  Sadly, we unexpectedly lost DeeDee mid-July and are still coping with her absence in our lives.  

I'm asking for help to support dogs that the SPCA rescues! Walk with me, with or without your pet on Saturday, September 24 at Beaver Island State Park. You can sign up on the team page. There are tons of vendors, who will make your time at the event so worthwhile.  And there are thousands of animals, who desperately need to be saved, and the monies raised will help give them a brand new, beautiful life."