In partnership with Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Oishei's Children's Hospital, the NFTA TAPD introduced a community outreach visitation program for sick children. June 3 marked the first visit to Children’s Hospital. The Officers and their K9 partners toured the facility and spent a lot of time visiting with ailing kids and their families.  It was an amazing day filled with camaraderie and laughter.   

Chief George Gast said, "The program is designed to support children who are in the hospital for serious health concerns, many of whom are fighting cancer.  The visits by the officers and their K9 pals are in effort to help comfort the children and their families by just living in the moment.  If pictures truly say a thousand words, I think these speak for themselves."  And, they do! 

Thank you to Officers Szymborski and Tabbi for touching the hearts of so many yesterday.  The program will expand in the next few months, and we will keep you updated on things to come.