Director of Aviation, Lee Weitz, speaks on behalf of the Buffalo Airport
TSA's Bart Johnson
Director of the TSA, Bart Johnson, speaks about travel safety

Travel volume at our Buffalo Airport is as busy as ever this spring and summer looks to be even busier. 

On Tuesday, May 23, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority held a press event to let travelers know what to expect at the airport. From the parking lot to security checkpoint protocols if they fly around the holiday weekend and into summer.

The Director of the TSA, Bart Johnson, and the NFTA's Director of Aviation, Lee Weitz, shared travel tips and focused on how travelers can quickly determine what items should and should not be brought to the security checkpoint.

The basic rules include arriving at the airport at least two hours early, having a driver's license or passport available, and ensuring you are not attempting to travel with prohibited items. It's going to be a busy travel season, and safety is the priority, as well as efficient check-ins. 

The Buffalo News article is included here:  TSA Prepares for Summer Surge in Travel From Buffalo Airport