The tall ships are making their way to the Basil Port of Call in Buffalo.  From July 4-7, plan on coming out to witness a spectacular fleet of ships racing through the Great Lakes and making their first ever host port appearance on our waterfront.   The fourth of July weekend will be filled with live entertainment, historical exhibits, food and beverages, and much more.

The tall ships event times are Thursday, July 4, 12:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. (No tall ship boarding), and Friday, July 5 - Sunday, July 7, general public ship boarding 11am - 5pm.  To board any or all of the tall ships, a POCB passport is required.  For tickets, rates, and other event information go to #TallShips.   

Also, make the trek down to the event easy, park for free at LaSalle or University Stations and ride Metro Rail down to Canalside.