United Way season is here at the NFTA! Our United Way Pledge Campaign will be starting this week with donor cards and information being distributed with Wednesday, November 10th payroll.


The opportunity for employees to set up their donation through an NFTA specified link (to be provided with payroll) will be available again this year. Employees can create an account and set up their payroll deductions through that link without the need to fill out a paper donor card.


Donor Cards and Weekly Prize Giveaway Challenge will be distributed via payroll, Wednesday, November 10.

Please refer to the “Donor Card” attachment to see all sections that must be completed. Please confirm the Donor Card is completed before sending it to HR. Please write the employee’s name or number above “TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF” if the individual's handwriting is hard to read.


“I want to Give”:

Easy Payroll Deduction:

- $ Amount per pay period

- How often are you paid?

- Metro Employees: 52 pay periods per year

- NFTA Employees: 26 pay periods per year

- Total $ amount


Direct Gift

“Tell Us About Yourself” – Name, Employer, Address, Phone Number, and Email

“Signature and Date”


Designate gift to a specific 501(c)(3) – $ amount and Agency

United Way Weekly Prize Giveaway Challenge – Drawings for prizes will be conducted once per week. All Donor Cards submitted to HR each Wednesday before noon will be included in that weekly drawing along with all subsequent weeks until the end of the sweepstakes (December 13). Prizewinners will be publicly announced (by the United Way) each week. The earlier an employee turns in their donor card, the more drawings he/she will be eligible to win!

Individuals who are contributing:  Please scan and email Donor Cards to nicholas.kurtz@nfta.com AND susan.reinke@nfta.com. We will confirm the e-mail was received.  Please send Donor Cards by mail to HR once you have received an email confirmation. If Donor Cards are not being scanned/e-mailed and being sent by mail only, they must be sent to HR in the morning’s mail to process timely.

Individuals who are NOT contributing:  Donor Cards do NOT need to be turned in.

DONOR CARDS DEADLINE: December 13, 2021


Link to United Way funded programs: https://www.uwbec.org/fundedprograms  à It might be helpful to have this list available for employees to review.

Charity Navigator: https://www.charitynavigator.org/ à Please refer employees to this website if they have questions regarding 501(c)(3) Organizations.