We need your help for our full-scale Airport Emergency Simulation Exercise on Friday, September 27, 2019.  The exercise will start between 6:00 pm and 6:30 pm at the Buffalo Airport.  Volunteers who will be “actors” in the simulation and that require moulage, will need to arrive around 4:00 pm.

This simulation is extremely important to the NFTA and the community. It provides a live-action opportunity to test our Airport Emergency Plan with many of our stakeholders. We can see what procedures work and which of those we need to adjust. But this can’t happen without individuals to play various key roles. We will have some people on our training plane “Ginger,” some will be victims transported to the local hospitals, some will be transported to the Friends and Family Center, and others will remain on site and head into the terminal. The FAA requires a certain number of participants based on the size of the airport.  We can’t do this without your help! We need approximately 100 “actors.” This is an excellent opportunity for Boy/Girl Scouts, church youth, school groups, and others who need community service hours as well as NFTA and Metro employees who want to help behind the scenes.   

The last full-scale exercise (2016) had such an amazing impact on our overall plan for aircraft emergencies. With over 100 volunteers, we were able to test our response outside of the aircraft. Terminal Operations teams were  able to see firsthand how the emergency plan roles out for them. ECMC was able to test its disaster plan when the victims on the bus rolled up.  Everyone involved helped make a huge difference, and we were grateful!  Last year’s volunteers included individuals with disabilities which was critical to ensuring that we are prepared to address all needs in a crisis. 

If you would like to volunteer to help go to: https://signup.com/go/DWFhonY.  Feel free to email  William_Major@nfta.com with any questions.